
논문명 창호형 태양광 발전장치 설계 및 기초성능 평가/The Design and Basic Performance Evaluation of Photovoltaic Windows
저자명 임교열 ; 정유근
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.4 n.4
페이지 시작페이지(201) 총페이지(8)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 창호시스템 ; 태양광 발전 ; 구조적 안전성 ; 현장실험 ; Window System ; Photovoltaic ; Structural safety ; Field experiment
요약2 This study aims to suggest the photovoltaic windows design and evaluate the basic performances. For the study, four types of photovoltaic windows are designed and their structural stabilities against wind loads are simulated through MIDAS. The four types of photovoltaic windows are composed of sliding, hinged, tilt and rotary. Also, the mock-up models are made and field experiment are conducted. As results, the designed photovoltaic windows are satisfied under wind pressure of 2000N/㎡ and no structural problem are occurred on the structural stress and hanging . The electric power of photovoltaic windows fluctuates on the average amount of solar radiation. Also, the peek power is shown on 12:30. The volts of photovoltaic windows are 12.6(V) to 13.9(V) and the current of them are 1.3(A) to 2.4(A). In addition, the accumulated electric powers are 207.5(KW) to 228.3(KW) between AM 10:00 to PM 15:00. And the immediate powers are 2.0(W) to 25.3(W). The powers of sliding window are highest and hinged, tilt and rotary windows are in the order. However, the data of this study are limited on the test periods and methods. Therefore, there are just useful on basic characteristics of suggested photovoltaic windows to develop the more practical photovoltaic windows.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회