
논문명 직접공급방식 지역난방시스템의 적정공급압력 검토/A Study on Optimal Pressure for Direct Connection in District Heating System
저자명 정용호 ; 손장열
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.3 n.3
페이지 시작페이지(123) 총페이지(11)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 지역난방시스템 ; 직접공급방식 ; 에너지 절감 ; 사용자 ; 온도 ; 압력 ; D istrict H eating System (DH S ) ; Direct C onnection ; E nergy saving ; C onsum er ; T em perature ; P ressure
요약2 District Heating System(DHS) is one of the most excellent systems in terms of energy saving and environmental protection. The current indirect connection in Korea is applied to the case of big scale, it brings about heat loss in its network. Moreover, high-priced heat exchanger facilities are required. Direct connection has some advantages such as energy saving and low initial cost compared with indirect connection since heat exchange is not required in machine room. However, direct connection is not economical for heavy load and it is difficult to keep the temperature of supply water low. When direct connection is applied, it is the most important to supply stable heat source to consumers. Therefore, the objective of this study is to offer the fundamental data for applying the direct connection in district heating to Korea by investigating the pressure variation based on supply condition and stability for consumers from the previous studies. The results of this study are follows ; 1) In case the supply pressure is 6bar, direct connection is feasible for 5-floor-apartments and detached houses without booster pump by the analysis of pressure variation at consumer facilities. 2) 5~6bar was required in 10-floor-apartments for direct connection and in case of 15-floor apartments, 6bar was necessary to prevent minus pressure without booster pump. 3) In case of 20-floor-apartments, supply pressure of 6bar could not be applied since minus pressure occurred in the top of the apartments.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회