
논문명 바닥취출 공조방식을 적용한 대규모 공연장의 온열환경 예측평가/Predictive Evaluation of Thermal Environments in a Large-Scale Auditorium Applied by the Under Floor Supply Air Conditioning System
저자명 장희경 ; 여인애 ; 윤성환
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집  , v.3 n.3
페이지 시작페이지(116) 총페이지(7)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 바닥공조시스템 ; 대공간 ; 공연장 ; 온열환경 ; 전산유체역학 ; Under Floor Air Conditioning System ; Large Enclosure ; Auditorium ; Thermal Environments ; CFD
요약2 According as the economy develops and the level of living quality rises, a large enclosure buildings such as the center of a large-scale international conferences, exhibitions, a large sports facilities are increasing in domestic as well as advanced countries. This large enclosure buildings have generally large space volume and a high density of occupancy per unit floor area compared to other buildings. Especially, it has the feature that the thermal environment has big difference horizontally as well as vertically and living spaces are restricted within nearby floor area. Also, this spaces have special thermal characters and airflow mechanism each other. CFD simulation can analyze the various thermal characters of large enclosure buildings exactly. The merit of simulation is that it can minimize the error in planning step by analyzing various airflow and thermal character in advance when the air conditioner works. Recently, the use of the under floor supply air conditioning system are increasing. This system air conditions not total space but the living space nearby the floor is by installing inlet on floor or under the seats. This study aimed at predictive evaluation of thermal environment in a large-scale auditorium appling the under floor supply air conditioning system by using CFD simulation. From thermal environment point of view in the residential field, the results of this study are as follows; 1) In cooling condition, all CASEs satisfy allowable supply air velocity 0.35m/s and CASE 2 and CASE 5 at which supply air temperature is about 20˚C are suitable condition. 2) In heating condition, all CASEs satisfy allowable supply air velocity 0.5m/s and CASE 7 and CASE 9 at which supply air temperature is about 22˚C are suitable condition.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회