요약2 |
Researches and developments on BEMS, which are the cutting edge technology for energy saving in buildings, are performed world-widely through sustainable management in various conditions. However, there are many obstacles to adapt the system in existing buildings because it needs not only the extra administrator who manages the energy, but also needs highly expensive equipments, which are designed for newly built buildings, to install. Therefore, there are numerous limits exist when applying the BEMS in established buildings. PEMS(Portable Energy Management System) could overcome the weakness of previous system. The purpose of this study the reliability of wireless sensor, which is the essential technology to develop PEMS. This study has performed basic measurement compared with other sensors, which have the reliability. The result of this study is as follows ; 1) wireless temperature sensor has reliability when temperature is fixed at 26℃, 2) wireless temperature sensor has not reliability when being rapid temperature change at 2~32℃. 3) wireless humidity sensor has reliability when humidity is fixed at 35%. 4) wireless humidity temperature sensor has not reliability when being rapid humidity change at 40~80%. 5) The average error rate of wireless illuminance sensor is 10%. |